Bombay61, Urbanists Authors: Ketaki Bhadgaonkar and Jai Bhadgaonkar The POOP-HOOD RETHINKING PUBLIC TOILETS Our entry for The little big loo, RETHINKING PUBLIC TOILETS Architecture Competition 2020 (International Competition) organized by Volume Zero won an honorable mention among more than 100 entrants from all parts of the world. 70% of 18 million population of Mumbai lives in informal settlements 20% of Mumbai slum dwellers have no access to toilets. 58% Toilets - No Electricity 78% Toilets - No Water The population of Mumbai living in the dense informal settlements have poor access to sanitation. There is a huge lack of access and at times the ratio of people using one toilet seat is about 600 people. This makes the idea of eradicating open defecation, social distancing, hygiene, etc., more and more difficult. The toilets often have poor accessibility, no water, no electricity, broken doors and windows, low ventilation an...